ProExtender: what is it?
Pro extender is a device that enlarges the size of the penis which was invented by a Danish doctor after several years of studies and clinical trials. This enlarger was used at first as a medical device that is used after penis reconstruction surgery, but later it turned out that this device really allows you to lengthen sex and at the same time, does not present no danger.
The research of this doctor then took a new path to improve the performance of proExtender in terms of penis enlargement.
ProExtender has now become the OFFICIAL penis enlargement device in 29 countries around the world. It is recommended by doctors and can be used by all men without exception.
How does proExtender work?
This enlargement device provides the user with pleasant and very comfortable traction. The body’s natural reaction to this traction is to create new cells and new permanent penile tissue. The result: a long and thick penis and an extra large size that does not fade!
The principle of operation of this device is very similar to the principle of jelqing but here the traction is not manual, it is rather more modern, safer, and assisted.
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