
How can I restore or enhance my libido if my libido has dwindled?

The term “libido” alludes to the concept of “sexual desire.” Individuals, on the other hand, find it impossible to agree on a single definition.

Indeed, there are many times in life [andropause, menopause, etc.] when the desire is weak or absent, and this is not an issue.

On the other hand, when a lack of libido persists for a long time, it is a common reason for both men and women to seek sexological help.

As a result, sexual desire is founded on complex physiological systems that must be understood: natural, psychological, or physical approaches, we provide you with all of the keys to recovering control of your libido.

What does it mean to have libido?

Desire is a universal idea that cuts across cultures and borders. However, its meaning is continually changing: depending to people, communities, nations, socio-cultural circumstances, and so on.

In some people, a lack of libido is natural, whereas in others, sexual desire is heightened.

What’s the difference between libido, natural desire, and sexual disorder?

This is an issue that continues to occupy the minds of scientists.

To be considered a sexual disorder, the condition must have been present for at least three months and the person must be experiencing symptoms. It’s then worthwhile to seek advice from a sexologist.

Despite this, researchers in social psychology and sexology continue to try to characterize sexual desire objectively.

What is male libido?

In general, libido or sexual drive is defined as an increase in the frequency and intensity of sexual fantasies and ideas.

Sexual desire is a subjective emotion, an inner urge, and a sexual goal, if we refer to this concept. This want or motive would drive a person to seek out an event, such as sexual stimulation.

Or at the very least, be receptive with the intention of obtaining sexual pleasure (concretely or through imaginations).

Similarly, we believe that sexual arousal is more than just a genital reaction, and that it can be triggered by sexual pleasure and/or orgasm.

As a result of these many factors, sexual desire varies from person to person depending on prior experiences, motives, and so on.

If we wish to examine the growth or reduction in desire during a sexological examination, we must compare these movements to a norm.

What is a normal libido?

The subject of sexual desire‘s normalcy is a difficult one. To respond, you must employ neurobiology and maintain vigilance when discussing sexual dysfunction.

To understand what constitutes “normal” sexual desire, researchers must examine a variety of behaviors, as well as psychological, biochemical, genetic, and even social and cultural practices.

Despite the fact that the work appears precise, creating a standard in sexuality remains quite difficult; we may define normalcy in a variety of ways, including legal, statistical, biological, moral, physiological, and so on.

Furthermore, the concept of normalcy can be paradoxical since it can be defined both objectively (a physical criteria compared to a biological standard) and subjectively (a psychological criterion) (comparison of the frequency of personal desire on a population scale).

As a result, we may use the concept that a person’s sexual desire is subjectively “normal” as a reference point, whereas the same desire is subjectively “abnormal” in another person.

As a result, before comparing a person to multiple criteria, each sexology consultation evaluates the individual as a whole being, unique. This strategy allows researchers to quantify sexual behavior and, in certain cases,it as aberrant.

What is the function of libido in the brain?

Cognitive and social neuroscience advances have provided some solutions.

We can detect a regularly active brain network in a person who does not have a libido problem or a neurological illness in particular.

That is, we can observe which brain regions are engaged in sexual desire: they are the fronto-temporo-parietal and subcortical regions.

These areas promote emotional, satisfaction, and other-identification mechanisms, as well as memory connections and personal mental representation.

Why does the libido disappear?

In several nations, libido issues are believed to affect 10-51 percent of the population. It’s even the most common reason for sexology consults.

It is consequently critical, particularly for mental health difficulties, to be able to treat sexual desire disorders in a unique method that is tailored to each individual.

Indeed, a man with erection issues frequently believes that he will fail, and so suppresses his own desire.

Characteristics of a decrease or absence of sexual desire

The lack of “imaginative thoughts of a sexual nature (sexual fantasies) or desire for sexual behavior” is a defining feature of a sexual desire disorder.

A shift in the individual’s typical desire characterizes this shortfall (or lack).

Furthermore, for it to be considered a condition, the reduction in libido must be accompanied by pain or relationship problems.

A person suffering from a lack of libido or a loss of libido is consequently unmotivated in their pursuit for sexual stimulation and does not take the initiative in sex-related activities.

A reduction in libido can be caused by a variety of variables, including somatic issues, endocrinologists, neurological, and psychological factors.

If you’re having problems with your sexual drive, talk to a sex therapist who specializes in low libido.  

Low libido in men and women can be caused by a variety of factors.

Anxiety disorders, sadness, toxic factors, illnesses, hormone shortages, andropause, to name a few, are all known reasons of decreased libido. Suffering from a sexually transmitted infection (STI) can also affect one’s desire for sexual intercourse. Syphilis (pimples on the penis), chlamydia, or even hepatitis B are examples.

These factors can affect both men and women, although women’s periods are more complicated: menstrual cycle, nursing, menopause, and so on. Similarly, after a genital illness (such as vaginal mycosis, genital herpes in women, or genital herpes in males), the libido may take some time to regain its vigor.

Causes of low libido in men

Men’s lack of desire can be caused by a variety of factors. We can use the following examples:

  • Desire appears to diminish with age. Older guys, on the other hand, are highly likely to feel desire.
  • Androgen shortage [andropause]: Androgens have a big role in how men feel about themselves.
  • Hyperprolactinemia is a hormone that suppresses sexual desire and can lead to erectile dysfunction. During a drop in libido in males, the dosage of prolactin is frequently the subject of a balance sheet.

STIs (gonorrhea, chlamydia, papillomavirus, etc. ), genetic illnesses, urological issues (especially of the prostate), endocrine disorders, neurological diseases (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis), chronic (kidney, heart failure, diabetes), tiredness, genital herpes, and other diseases and therapies

  • Toxic elements include alcohol, narcotics, and cigarette use. Antidepressants, for example, are psychotropic medications.

Depression, anxiety disorders, and interpersonal problems, to name a few.

Finally, keep in mind the effect of lifestyle on libido, habits, excessive porn intake, or excessive masturbation…

Testosterone levels are also connected to sex drive, according to research. The importance of the link between patients and low testosterone levels, on the other hand, is controversial.

Causes of low libido in women

Sensory aspects, as well as sexual desires and concepts, must be examined. Desire has a cognitive, behavioral, emotional, personal, and communal dimension here as well.

Chemical variables (hormones and neurotransmitters) as well as psychological elements have a role.

We also know that the female endocrine system is complicated:

Cycles of menstruation

•There is a pregnancy

• Breast-feeding

• Menopause is a phrase used to indicate a time when contraception is no longer effective.

Antidepressants, anxiolytics, antivirals, antihypertensives, and other medications may have a negative impact.

Because testosterone’s mid-cycle spike is linked to a variety of hormonal changes in women, no significant distinction can be drawn between testosterone levels and libido.

Furthermore, there is evidence that estradiol is important in appropriate vaginal lubrication; however, its influence on sexual desire and arousal has yet to be shown.

Finally, it appears to be becoming increasingly obvious that mood, well-being, vitality, and other psychological aspects have a significant impact on women’s libido.

Finally, just like it does for males, women’s libido is influenced by their lifestyle.

Certain causes might lead to the belief that women lack libido and desire, but this is not the case. For example, a woman may be impacted by vaginismus, vaginal dryness, and other factors that prevent her from engaging in sexual activity. The desire, on the other hand, is present. To better understand your spouse, it is necessary to understand how female sex works.

How can a man’s libido be boosted?

Adopting excellent habits such as a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle (recovery sleep, etc. ), frequent sports practice, and so on can help you regain a “normal” libido.

When it comes to eating, stick to a low-fat, low-sugar diet that emphasizes fruits and vegetables.

Tobacco, narcotics, and alcohol should also be avoided because they might have direct impacts on libido or hinder it in the long run.

Finally, emotional interactions have a role in libido: before discussing a decline in libido, start by resolving difficulties within the pair.

How can a woman’s libido be boosted?

Women’s cycles are similar to men‘s, with the exception that they must be taken into account: menstrual cycle, menopause, contraceptive techniques…

All of these characteristics can be reviewed with a doctor.

These cycles are different for all women: some will have a reduced libido while others will not; the pain, the duration of the periods, are not lived either in the same manner according to the women.

Finally, depending on the stage of the cycle, vaginal secretions and hormones alter.

However, in consultation with a doctor, it is feasible to predict these periods in order to best adapt to various stages of life and cycles.

For example, you may record a customized calendar of your libido’s progression according to the stages of the cycle: there are even Smartphone apps!


We hope that we have given you a better understanding of the many mechanisms of desire. Because libido varies according to a variety of conditions, it is vital to be aware of them in order to address them.

On a case-by-case basis, sexologist physicians deal with these issues on a daily basis and will be able to present you with answers. The key is to downplay the situation: a drop in libido is typical at any age and in all people.

The most essential thing is to not wait too long for this condition to take hold: the longer you wait, the more difficult the therapies will get.

Which drug to increase libido?

Hormonal injections (testosterone) may be prescribed

Here are some supplements to increase sexual ability in men MaleExtra and in women Femin Plus.

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